Senior Health
Brain Health / Cognitive Health
Your cognitive health is important – being able to clearly think, learn, and remember – in your everyday activities. Keep yourself healthy by keeping your mind active and stay physically active. Taking up a new hobby such as gardening, dance, cooking, photography, or join a book club! Engaging in social and physical activities help you maintain your well-being.
Fall Risks
Fall-proof your home to reduce your chance of falling. Some ways you can reduce your risk of falling around your home are:
- Use handrails when going down the stairs
- Have good lighting
- Keep areas where you walk clean
- Avoid using throw rugs or area rugs
- Use grab bars in your shower
- Non-slip mats where it may be wet
- Install night lights in high traffic areas
- Arrange your furniture to avoid
Advance Directive
An advanced directive is a legal document that provides your family and care team a guide to what medical care you want if you were to be incapacitated or unable to speak for yourself.
Our office provides our patients the option to complete an advance directive in office. Once complete, we will scan a copy into your chart for our records. Advance directives can be updated at any moment you wish, just let your care team know.
If you wish to update your Advance Directive prior to your appointment, please down the PDF and complete the form. It is important that you do not sign the form before coming in as it requires 2 witnesses.